That’s the equivalent of 7,474,642 steps, which will be walked collectively as a team over the month of September 2023. The aim is to raise money for Cancer Research UK, a charity dedicated to finding ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer.
One in two people will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime – it’s a relentless disease that destroys and takes far too many lives. Our Head of Content and Relations Karen Anderson’s mum – who’s also BAO’s co-founder Joe Trippett’s mother-in-law – is currently battling stage four incurable breast cancer.
This is just one example – within the agency, there are numerous other mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunties, uncles, grandparents, as well as friends who have also been affected in some way. And unfortunately, we have no doubt you or someone you know will have been too.
That’s why we want to take as many steps as we can towards helping find a cure for cancer and relieving as many people as possible from the pain it causes. Each day participating team members will track their steps and BAO’s overall progress will be available to view here once the challenge is live.
Donations will be collected via this single company JustGiving page.
Thank you for your support!
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