One of the biggest ecommerce events of the year is back – the Pulse Ecommerce Summit by Vervaunt will take place 9-10 April 2025.
The two-day event will see nearly 1,000 people from across the ecommerce industry gather to focus on innovation, technology, product management, growth strategy, internationalisation, data and more.
As well as a host of panel discussions and workshops – including one featuring By Association Only’s very own Strategic Director, George Linton – entertainment will be provided throughout the event by drag performer Tayce and comedians Maisie Adam and Zoe Lyons.
Catch Linton's panel discussion on Roadmapping for Success: The Perspectives of Market-Leading Agencies at 3.20pm on 9 April at the Inspiration Stage. And click here to see the full agenda.
A huge thank you to Vervaunt for inviting By Association Only to sponsor the event for the fourth year, and for putting on what promises to be an inspiring day.
Don't miss out on attending – register for your free retailer ticket here.
Vervaunt is a London-based ecommerce consultancy and paid media agency, working alongside ambitious ecommerce brands and retailers to improve key areas of their business and drive growth.
By Association Only is the Platinum Shopify Plus agency for the world’s most design-conscious luxury brands. Get in touch to discover how our team of experts can support your brand’s Shopify ambitions
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