2025 ecommerce trend predictions

2025 ecommerce trend predictions

From the experts at By Association Only

As we step boldly into the new year it’s time to consider what trends may lay ahead in the world of ecommerce. From design to strategy, let’s take a look at what trends our experts believe will dominate in 2025.

Joe Trippett, Founder and Creative Director:

Shopify customer accounts

“Speaking specifically about Shopify, the new customer accounts will be the largest change in design in 2025. Moving to the new customer accounts effectively makes styling them the same as with the checkout, removing the ability to create really engaging account pages and instead moving towards a more rigid, albeit branded, UI.”


“In broader ecommerce, I see notifications becoming much more prevalent, and brands opting for a system similar to the Apple Notification Centre, where messaging and promotions can be persistent, instead of just closed and then inaccessible – think newsletter signup with incentive popup.”

AI-generate content

“AI-generated content will saturate the lower end of the market who seek to achieve cost efficiencies, with more premium brands gaining traction through authenticity. But the lines between may become blurred.”

Minimalist UI

“I foresee more minimalist UI, which means clean typography, fewer distractions, and simplified navigation paths to improve conversion rates.”

Enhanced user experience

“Subtle animations, micro-interactions and 'easter eggs' – for example the previously mentioned notification centre, product zoom, and scrolling animations – will enhance user experience, making the browsing process more engaging and intuitive without overwhelming users.”

By Association Only's Strategic Director George Linton speaking at the Pulse Ecommerce Summit

George Linton, Strategic Director:


“I imagine 2025 will be a big year for internalisation on Shopify.”

“Thanks to the recent set of improvements – known as Markets Pro – a greater number of businesses than ever can utilise Shopify Markets.”

“Previously many features were only available in the United States, however during 2025 they will become available across more territories.”

“I think we'll see a real shift from multiple store instances to single stores – it’s becoming rarer and rarer to find a use case which won't work with Markets.”

“This will make a huge difference to time management for merchants when it comes to managing their content, alongside tech stack refinements and cost savings too.”

Sophie Alway, Ecommerce Account Strategist:

Live streaming

“As brands look for new and innovative ways to engage with their customers, we're likely to see more and more brands using live streaming to connect with customers and offer a ‘real-time’ experience.”

“Live shopping allows a brand ambassador to present products via a live streaming video and for customers to ask questions or purchase products in real-time.”

“It's the same concept as home shopping channels on TV, like QVC, and has become increasingly popular on social platforms such as YouTube and TikTok.”

“For merchants, this offers an engaging way to present products interactively, allowing for ‘how to use’ demonstrations or ‘shop the look’ features.”

“For merchants that retail through other wholesalers, it offers them a unique opportunity to show authority and offer something different.”

“For customers, it bridges the gap between physical and online retail, offering an opportunity for expert demonstrations and the option to ask questions in real-time to a real person.”

This article from Shopify gives more information on how brands can leverage live shopping for their customers.”

Rory O’Hara, Senior Ecommerce Account Strategist: 

Personalised accounts

“I predict we will see a significant increase in the focus given to personalised accounts in 2025.

“Personalised accounts can be an incredibly effective hub for users – combining product recommendations, personalised brand content, loyalty platforms, order history, and returns and tracking information into one convenient area for users.”

“Moving away from clunky email and password logins in favour of four-digit PIN logins makes it much easier for users to remain logged in and therefore interact more freely with the different platforms and services offered in their account spaces.”

“For merchants, this presents an opportunity to communicate directly and in a highly personalised way – helping to collate first-party data, further streamline those interactions and side-step some of the difficulties presented by Cookie compliance.”

“With technology suppliers such as Rivo already working in this space and Shopify’s incoming account updates moving in a similar direction, this will surely be a key topic for many merchants in 2025.”

About By Association Only:

By Association Only is the Shopify Plus agency for the world’s most design-conscious luxury brands. Get in touch to discover how our team of experts can support your brand’s Shopify ambitions.

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